1. M1 Garand Leather Sling Reproduction 1907
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M1 Garand Leather Sling Reproduction 1907
M1 Garand Leather Sling Reproduction 1907

M1 Garand Leather Sling Reproduction 1907

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On Sale: $29.95 $19.95
M1 Garand Leather Sling Reproduction 1907
Item Number: FW0123
Availability: Out of Stock.
Reproduction sling for M1 Garand rifles. This 1 1/4" sling is made from top grain cowhide leather, hooks are heavy solid brass, nicely polished and riveted to the leather. Marked "MRT"on the back. Everything is faithful to the original 1907 sling. Fits M1 Garand, as well and Model 1903 and 1903A3, and 1917 rifles.


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